ederna offers the license of its process evapeos® and studies the possibility of its industrial intergation. In all projects, ederna offers a full support to its customers, from lab trials to production. In this purpose, a project leader is appointed to interact with our customers.

Our approach is made of three steps:


First lab trials (1) are carried out to establish a pre-diagnosis on the use of evapeos process on the product

Product physical characterization

Screening of selected membranes, osmotic agents and temperature of the process

Delivery of a technical pre-diagnosis

These trials can be carried out by ederna in Toulouse or by the customer with a rental of an ederna Lab Unit.

Depending on the results of this pre-diagnosis, our customers can decide to conduct pilot scale trials (2) in order to determine technico-economic parameters

Validation of the pre-industrial process and sizing of equipment according to the specifications from the customer

Cost evaluation (investment, payback period...)

Delivery of a technico-economic report

These trials can be carried out by ederna in Toulouse or by the customer with a rental of an ederna Pilot Unit.

If those trials are relevant, the customer can order industrial units for his application (3) and design a clean and competitive brand new process

Manufacturing of a custom equipment with our engineering partner

Delivery of the unit, training of users

Support and maintenance

If you wish to discuss evapeos process and ederna's services: Contact us.

  1. Pengeluaran SDY
  2. https://ifa2020.org/
  3. https://www.hopepartnershipforeducation.org/
  4. https://www.bencomo.org/
  5. https://rvic.org/
  6. https://ladiosabuenosaires.com/
  8. https://www.bathconsultancygroup.com/
  9. https://climateinternational.org/
  10. https://www.tadmc.org/
  11. https://www.innvision.org/
  13. https://www.eccsit.org/
  14. https://www.utexasgsa.org/
  15. https://www.la-boissaude.com/
  16. https://www.runnertriathletenews.com/
  17. https://www.lesfilmsbiographiques.com/
  18. DATA SDY
  19. https://www.shepherdoftheridge.org/
  20. https://www.musindioufu.org/
  21. Togel Hongkong
  22. https://everstribute.org/
  23. https://cosac-ndt.com/
  24. https://www.ederna.com/
  25. https://civicinnovationni.org/
  26. https://www.prattkan.com/