Presentation in the Nonthermal Workshop - EFFoST Conference Joint session
The 29th EFFoST International Conference was held in Athens, Greece from 10-12 November 2015 under the theme Food Science Research and Innovation: Delivering sustainable solutions to the global economy and society.
In the same venue, the 2015 International Nonthermal Processing Workshop took place on 12-13 November under the theme Sustainable Innovation Based on Science and Applied Research of Nonthermal Technologies.
It provided a global meeting point and forum for experts in the field of nonthermal processing of food from academia and research, food professionals, equipment manufacturers and students.
A presentation of the evapEOs® process has been made by Fabrice Gascons Viladomat in the Nonthermal Workshop-EFFoST Conference Joint session with the theme: Advances in research and applications of nonthermal technologies for food processing and preservation II.
► Please click here for more information about the Workshop and the program.