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ederna adapts its technology to meet our customer needs, in terms of specifications and scale.

The following are laboratory scale products which enable customers to take the initial steps in evaluating evapeos® technology.

ederna Lab Kit

A low cost kit to enable proof of principle to be established.

ederna Lab Unit

A lab instrument whose design is scalable in a linear fashion through pilot to full production scale. Once a process has been developed in the ederna Lab Unit, moving upscale is rapid and does not require substantial additional experimentation to put the evapeos technology into productive operation.


Pilot and Production scale systems, specifically dimensioned to correspond to customer needs, are designed and developed between ederna and its established manufacturing partners that have many years’ experience in various industrial sectors. Benefitting from linear scale-up, the Pilot and Production units ensure that the protocols developed using evapeos technology in the ederna Lab Unit are rapidly put to productive use.

ederna can provide initial trials on its own Pilot unit, before designing a system for a particular application according to customer requirements.


Read more about ederna’s scale up projects.

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