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Lab Unit

This compact device is the ideal system to treat thermo-labile molecules at lab scale.

The ederna Lab Unit enables interested scientists to test their products in a scalable system. This will open up the opportunity to develop processes and scale up to pilot and full scale production units.

Easily interchangeable cartridges can be used for different products in order to avoid cross-contamination.

Of very compact dimensions, the ederna Lab Unit is easily sited in any laboratory.

Develop concentration protocols

Concentration occurs at temperatures between 10°C and 40°C

No vacuum required (so retains aroma)

Concentrate samples up to 1 Litre

Range of FDA-approved cartridges for different sample sizes


Lab cartridges:

Depending on the volume of product to be treated with evapeos® technology, different sizes of cartridges can be used.

PPC 0.2 cartridge (nominal 0.2 m²)

PPC 0.6 cartridge (nominal 0.6 m²) 


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